Described as:
A welcoming aroma hot cider spiced with cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.
SMELLS LIKE your first high school party, which, even now, feels like only yesterday, and the Halloween theme is going over like gangbusters, and your werewolf costume is helping everyone forget about your Mathlete achievements and your Spelling Bee failures, because it’s a scary costume, all matted fur and tattered clothing, you wear it well after a summer spent doing yard work and lifting your older brother’s weights, and, for the very first time in a very long time, it doesn’t include a mask, because your acne is clearing up and you feel handsome tonight, and the cool kids are drinking something that has to be strong because they’re laughing and their faces are red and you grab a red cup full of good times and feel warm, despite the late October of it all, and you keep drinking it, and it tastes just like that tingle in your throat, sweet, and strong, and like you can do anything tonight because how this FEELS.