Described as:
The tantalizing aroma of a deliciously fresh donut made with apple cider, cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar.
SMELLS LIKE a state fair in full bloom, crowds of funnel-caked, sugar-crusted, cinnamon and spice covered smiling people chomping candy apples and milling around, drifting like dreams from ride to ride, game to game, in search of even more joy, and you wander with them, just as ecstatically lost, holding a cone topped with the pinkest, fluffiest cotton candy a summer jobbed teenaged could spin for six dollars, and, at the very edge of the fairgrounds, is a looming, hastily constructed Hall of Mirrors, and you let yourself be carried to it by your own curiosity, and in it, amongst the hundred thousand reflections of yourself, you find an image in one of the mirrors, and, to your amazement, you’re smiling, you’re actually smiling, and this comes as a shock after the year you’ve been having, what with the veterinary bills, the job stress, and the way you can’t shake the feeling that everyone keeps looking at you like you’re guilty for some unspoken crime, but there you are, surrounded by nothing but low light and your own face, in a thousand different frames, in a thousand different shapes, and you’re smiling, happier than ever knew you could be and you can’t believe how this FEELS.